When: Sunday 23 March 2025, commencing at 11:00am.
Location: APGSDL Club Grounds - 10 Hall Avenue, Mangere
We encourage all members to actively participate in voicing who you entrust to lead the club through what we hope is going to be an exciting and prosperous 2025.
Reminder that all:
Nominations for Officers will need to be proposed in writing and seconded by members in writing to the Secretary.
Motions for consideration, will need to be given 28 days prior to the meeting.
AGM Club Rules:
Rule 5 (a) Nominations for Officers (President, The Senior Vice President, The Junior Vice President, The Secretary, The Treasurer) shall be called for at least 14 days before an Annual General Meeting. Each candidate shall be proposed and seconded in writing by Members and the completed nomination delivered to the Secretary. Nominations shall close at the commencement of the AGM.
Please Note Rule 4 (b) Only club members who have served on the Committee for at least one year in the previous five will be eligible for nomination for Executive Office.
Rule 5 (b) Nominations for the Committee may be made in advance of the vote for Committee Members.
Rule 35 (a) Motions at the Cub Meeting: Any Member may request that a motion be voted on (“Member’s Motion”) at a particular Club Meeting, by giving written notice to the Secretary at least 28 days before that meeting. The Member may also provide information in support of the motion (“Member’s Information”). The Committee may in its absolute discretion decide whether the Club will vote on the motion. However, if the Member’s Motion is signed by at least 15 members: It must be voted on at the Club Meeting chosen by the Member; and The Secretary must give the Member’s Information to all Members at least 14 days before the meeting chosen by the Member.
If you received a trophy last year and have not returned it, please get in touch asap so that we can make sure it is awarded and engraved for the next recipient at the upcoming Annual General Meeting.
Please also note there will be no Training on Sunday 23 March.
Kind Regards,
Auckland Provincial German Shepherd Dog League