Auckland Provincial German Shepherd Dog League Inc, have ownership of our private grounds and facilities. We are a Non-Profit organisation, who come under the umbrella of Incorporated Societies.
Established in the 1950's, the club has a proud history within the German Shepherd community of New Zealand.
APGSDL is a speciality breed dog club that provides obedience training for beginner and advanced levels, fun days and ribbon shows, and hosts annual Championship Breed shows.
We are dedicated to upholding the integrity and welfare of German Shepherd dogs, we aim to create a community of passionate dog lovers and enthusiasts who are committed to the well-being and development of this remarkable breed.
We invite all interested German Shepherd owners to come along on a Sunday morning from 10 am until 12 pm. Have a chat to one of our committee members, observe a training class, or join a class as the first class is complimentary.


Photo Competition Winner
March 2025
Sean Aitken and
Luci (Pakros Von Gavarol)
Proudly Sponsored by